Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Food Habits

As Kiele is growing bigger, she is becoming more fussy especially where food is concerned. She loses appetite immediately. As it is said variety is the spice of life. She needs different meal.

We had taken her to the doctor last week just for normal check up. He suggested that I give her what she eats no problem. Her milk intake also has decreased but I give it in some other form like cheese, butter with bread etc. She enjoys eating all this. Ice cream is one thing she loves eating at any time. I do give her little of it. Her juices are still on she has them with interest till now. Things she doesn’t like to eat is rice, dal, kichdi… which we all know is very important. My doc too said that try and feed her but she just refuses to eat it. Tried preparing in different ways by adding milk etc.. but not successful. Will definitely think as to how I can feed her rice dal by trying different ways and will keep you posted.