Friday, April 21, 2006

Methi Ladoo

This message is to all my friends who are pregnant and to would be mums.
After delivery you will have to take care of your health. Eat good food,
which is very important to keep your baby healthy as well as yourself.

Eat methi ladoos for good milk production. I had arranged to get them
made from some maharahtrian lady, it was very nice. The methi ladoos that
are available in the shop are too bitter and has absolutely no taste. My
hubby had bought them but I just couldn't eat it. My friend suggested that
we arrange to get them home made. One should not skip these ladoos.

I am giving below the ingredients involved - you may kindly arrange for
someone to make it.
Pure ghee / Cashew nuts / almonds / dink / kharik / jaggery / dried coconut
/ methi / til / khuskhus / charoli / kismish / wheat and oil. These are
the ingredients required to make the ladoos.

I used to eat them regularly in the morning without fail. Since I was told
by all my neighbours and friends the importance of these ladoos, hence
didn't skip any day without eating this nutritious methi ladoos.

Secondly nachni / ragi also is very good you may refer my below posting on
nachni / ragi

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