Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Nachni / Ragi (Finger Millet) – best feed for babies

My babes is 6 months old, my mom has introduced to baby Ragi / Nachni porridge. In English it is called Finger Millet Porridge. Nachni is the best feed not only for babies but also for elders – this is my mom’s favourite and medicinal receipe. This has been going on for very long by my grand-ma as well and the receipe has now been passed on to us.

Mom gives baby Nachni / Ragi porridge in the afternoon. Nachni / Ragi is best if you powder it at home. What my mom does is – she buys the whole nachni / ragi and then washes it, spreads the nachni / ragi on a dry piece of cloth dries it in sunlight and finally powders and stores the ragi / nachni flour in air tight container. She prefers to follow this method rather that buying the ready made flour from the market.

Receipe of this wonderful porridge is : She prepares the porridge by adding one teaspoon of nachni / ragi powder, 1 cup milk and little water – depending on the consistency add jaggery for sweetening and just a pinch of salt. Then keep it on slow fire and keep stirring till done to avoid formation of lumps.

This is the best feed one can give their babies. So mums and would be mums – don’t forget to introduce this wonderful meal to your lovely babies.