Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Pampers are really good to help babies to get their good sleep at nite. I started using pampers for my baby right from the time she was brought home from the hospital i.e. the first nite at home. This not only helps the child to get good sleep but also helps us parents.

I know of parents complaining as to they need to wake up at nite to change cloth nappies and stuff. That wasn’t the case with me. So who ever tells me this I advice them to use pampers for their baby at least at nite. Babies naturally will feel uncomfortable when they are wet – hence why make them feel uncomfortable and also disturb their sleep. My advice is to use pampers. Sleep is very important. At times I really wonder what a great help this pampers are what would we have to go through without pampers for babies.

Before putting the pamper on my baby I put a lot of powder to prevent baby from getting pamper rash. Its not right to to keep the baby whole day with pamper – I suggest nite time and when traveling. When we were traveling out of town – babes pamper was on the whole day – we did change the pamper of course but yet. By evening her skin was really bad. At that point of time I thought I would just discontinue putting the pamper for her. I applied Vaseline and she was fine after a day or so. But it was our mistake for not keeping her open even for sometime.

My advice to you mums & wud-b-mums.. don’t think.. just make use of pampers for your lovely babies and let them enjoy their good sleep at nite and you as well.

Good luck!