Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Babes Christmas gift
We gifted Kiele Rica with a lovely Christmas Gift. We gifted her with a bike that works on battery. It’s a very neat piece.
Kiele, as I mentioned earlier get scared immediately. She just does not like to sit either on the swing or slide etc. etc.. I am trying all ways to get that fear out of her system which I think now am being a lil successful.
Like when we bought this bike – we were sure she would be scared to sit on it and if she presses the accelerator it moves – so no way would she be ready to sit on it.
When we went shopping she was fascinated on seeing all the cars and bikes so we thought why not try making her sit on the bike to see if she gets frightened – Right enough she sat on it for a few seconds then was not ready to sit back.
We thought best way is to buy it so that she will see it daily and when she sees other children sitting on it.. she will get bold enough to sit on it herself.
When we took it home she would only press the button and listen to the music and she would dance but that was not the reason we bought this gift for her. So what I did was first I acted and sat on the bike and started moving it to show her that’s its real fun and am enjoying the ride.. So immediately she too wanted to do the same as I – I immediately made her sit for sometime and didn’t press the accelerator coz we thought we will do one thing at a time – for a very long time we just made her sit and listen to the music.. then slowly by slowly I started pressing the accelerator and the vehichle started moving… she was frightened initially but managed… now she tries to go on her own to sit on the bike and also many a times presses the accelerator herself and moves forward.
I was really happy on seeing this coz she is now no more frightened of the bike…
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Baby won a prize
Yesterday we had gone shopping to one of the renowned shopping center. Being Christmas day and Christmas season Santa was dressed and there was a live band playing.
The scene was very exciting and Kiele was enjoying herself to the fullest listening to the music. She is very fond of music and dance. Whenever the music is played even at home she immediately bends her knees, raise her hands and shake her legs.
So at the Shopping Centre the band was playing and many children were dancing around that place. Kiele too started and pointing her fingers in the air etc.. she won a prize for best dancing.
As the announcer took her name and put his hand forward to give her the gift, she herself took it from him.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Heat boil burst open
With reference to my earlier post. Kiele is fine now.
The boil just burst open after we did hot water fermentation. I am sure it must have been very painful for our doll but we could not help but do it.
The pus / blood started oozing out of the boil – we then wiped her forehead with warm water and applied Vaseline on that area.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Heat boil
Kiele has got a heat boil i guess.. on her left side of her forehead. The place around the boil has turned red and slightly swollen. – Yesterday we gave hot water fermentation on doing that the boil broke open.. we thought that the swelling and redness would reduce by morning.. but the same still exists..
Can any of you please let me know if there is any home remedy that I can try on her. This evening planning to take her to the doctor. I would prefer home remedy rather than doctor’s medicine. Please let me know what has to be done.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Kiele has started biting..
My doll has started some new thing now…. She will first play with you and all of a sudden you will yell coz Kiele has bitten you. She does it in such a way that you wont even understand she is coming to bite you.
I guess teething time.. I have bought her a teether and stuff but smally doesn’t want to use it..
Her thumb sucking is still on.. if I tell her Kiele remove your trumpet out she will immediately remove it out and then she will say tha... which means thank you coz when she removes her thumb out i tell her thank you hence she says that.. but after few seconds its back in...
If any of you know what has to be done.. plss lemme know..
Friday, December 01, 2006
Hiccup home remedy
Try this out it works – when your baby hiccups… what you do is dip your thumb in water and then in sugar and give your baby to suck – it really helps .
Yesterday I tried it out with Kiele. I had read about this long back but had never put into practice.. yesterday I tried it out and it worked immediately.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Kiele is very affectionate to all at home
She will move her palm all over your face – and tries to say ‘nice’ meaning to show that she loves us. She will also kiss all of us and say aaa.. hooo.. haaa.. – she will do this only when she wants to.
While we leave the house or when she leaves the house to go to our neighbour’s house she will move her hand – which means bye – and give us all a flying kiss with a smile on her face. When I am at work she will willingly be ready to go to our neighbour’s house or allow any one from the family to carry her. The moment I reach home its only mama who has to carry her or play with her. Then she is afraid the moment our neighbour steps into our house knowing that they will take her, so before they even try to carry her she will cry and turn her face by showing unwillingness to go.
She has also learnt to take blessing from elders by joining her hands. We must say Kiele join your hands and take blessings.. she will immediately do that.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Kiele learns to kick the ball
Kiele has been gifted a big blue ball. She rarely plays with it - like I said in my earlier post - toys and stuff does not fascinate her much. We leave the ball on the floor – and bounce it or throw the ball to show her that we are playing with it - We do this so that her mind gets diverted if in case she is crying or wants to be carried.
When we roll the ball in front of her… I say Kiele kick the ball – she actually lifts her leg up and kicks it. She gets so excited that she could kick it and this shows by her actions and her facial expressions. When she is happy or excited she lifts her shoulders up… and walks fast.. so we understand she is happy.. and excited…
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Babes behaviour
Kiele now tries to walk fast…with her fast walking – I need to actually run so u can imagine her speed.
As she is growing bigger she is becoming very stubborn. If she wants something we have to give it or else one should hear the sounds that she makes not crying but the anger on her face and her expressions says it all.
Am just thinking / experimenting ways wherein she can be controlled. One cannot beat her coz if we do that there is no way she will stop from doing things. If I make her understand and by nodding my head – she calms down – but not with everyone only with me, hence am teaching her what is right and wrong.
Like for example – she loves mobile. Mobile is her life. She will never play with any toys. You give her the best of toys to play she will not even look at it, but a mobile… ha.. she can keep herself busy the whole day. Secondly we cant fool her by giving a toy mobile or the piece that doesn’t work.. she will just fling it away.
My one cell is already broken by Kiele… so I purchased another piece the other day and I explained to her .. by saying doll.. mama has bought a new cell so therefore, please do not drop it down or play with it. She has actually understood n whenever she sees my cell on the sofa or table she will pick it up and give it to me.. I am really fascinated by this behaviour.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Home remedy
If your child is vomiting - Roast two green elaichi on fire. Let them turn black. Immediately powder the same and add a few drops of honey and give the same to your child to have - thrice a day - It is very effective - not only for babies but also elders.
Secondly – if your child is crying due to stomach upset – take a little hing add little warm water and apply on navel. Your baby will be fine.
Baby Kiele had diarrohea problem. Whatever she ate could not be retained. One of my neighbour suggested to give her Arrowroot kunjee. Thankfully she had the arrowroot water and she was fine.. her tummy was under control.
The only thing we gave her was arrowroot the whole day since milk could not be given to her at all and she would not take curd rice.
So to be mothers and mothers keep this in mind – in case your child suffers from Diarrohea immediately start with this and give your baby plenty of water to drink.
Secondly her feet too turned cold. So immediately we boiled some peppercorns in the water, dipped the towel in the water squeezed and placed it on her feet, palms.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Baby can walk
Kiele is now one year old. She can walk on her own. She understands when we tell her to sit or stand. We try to talk to her and explain to her what is right and wrong. If she tries to pull things etc. from the table or sofa we try to nod our head by saying that its wrong and she immediately leaves that place.
She loves to eat what the others are eating and most often we do give her unless things which are really not meant for or too much of oily stuff.
She has this habit of thumb sucking which we are trying to make her understand that its bad will keep you guys posted once we are successful.
Kiele is now one year old. She can walk on her own. She understands when we tell her to sit or stand. We try to talk to her and explain to her what is right and wrong. If she tries to pull things etc. from the table or sofa we try to nod our head by saying that its wrong and she immediately leaves that place.
She loves to eat what the others are eating and most often we do give her unless things which are really not meant for or too much of oily stuff.
She has this habit of thumb sucking which we are trying to make her understand that its bad will keep you guys posted once we are successful.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Baby had a fall
Baby had a fall
Kiele tries to do many stunts – so one morning as she was sitting on the chair she tried to stand and stuff. In the bargain she fell and over her the chair. She was crying bitterly coz she was hurt badly. Her left cheek had turned red.
We immediately rubbed ice on her face and head. Though she could bear the chill but we did not stop from rubbing the ice. All you mothers – always remember when your child has a fall – immediately rub ice on the affected part and give the child some water with sugar mixed in it to drink.
Kiele tries to do many stunts – so one morning as she was sitting on the chair she tried to stand and stuff. In the bargain she fell and over her the chair. She was crying bitterly coz she was hurt badly. Her left cheek had turned red.
We immediately rubbed ice on her face and head. Though she could bear the chill but we did not stop from rubbing the ice. All you mothers – always remember when your child has a fall – immediately rub ice on the affected part and give the child some water with sugar mixed in it to drink.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Baby climbed stairs yesterday
Kiele is in her 11th month. I had been to the tailor yesterday so since she was not letting me explain the pattern and stuff I kept her on the floor so that I could finish with my work. My brother was of course there with me so I was sure that he will keep an eye on her.
Kiele crawled outside the tailor shop and my brother was watching her what next she would do. He was shocked to see her climbing steps, he immediately called out to me to see Kiele’s new development I left everything to have a look at her – I too was surprised to see her climbing steps. She climbed 8 steps and was still going further but since the place was not quite clean my bro lifted her up.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Baby Kiele poos in the Potty
Baby is 10 months old, my mom has taught her to sit in the Potty when its time for her to poo. Kiele normally poos after she has had a big feed, or it shows on her facial expression. So immediately we make her sit on the potty.
The Potty that she sits on is an antique piece just like an arm-chair so she is very comfortable sitting on it and we too can be engaged in our work, coz there is no possibility that she will fall or will move the potty.
So she sits on it comfortably and the moment she finishes she becomes restless so we know its time to get her out of it coz she has finished. This is a very good thing my mom has taught her.
We are now trying to make her understand / learn that the moment she feels like she should go near the potty and stand so we know that she wants to poo. I guess that will take some time but will keep you posted as and when.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Baby responds to song – Part 2
Baby responds to song – Part 2
From my earlier post you will read that I have written how well she responds to the birthday song.
Next step - I dance in front of her and sing a song – what Kiele does is ?? She immediately crawls if she is in the center of the room and tries to find support to stand by holding the sofa or chair so that she gets the grip of the sofa or chair and can move her head, hands and legs more comfortably.
Earlier what she would do is wherever she was she would move her head, hands – but now its different the moment we sing a song she will crawl so fast and try to stand – its just amazing to see her responding.
From my earlier post you will read that I have written how well she responds to the birthday song.
Next step - I dance in front of her and sing a song – what Kiele does is ?? She immediately crawls if she is in the center of the room and tries to find support to stand by holding the sofa or chair so that she gets the grip of the sofa or chair and can move her head, hands and legs more comfortably.
Earlier what she would do is wherever she was she would move her head, hands – but now its different the moment we sing a song she will crawl so fast and try to stand – its just amazing to see her responding.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Baby responds to songs
Kiele entered her 10th month. Every month we sing a birthday song as well as play the birthday song and cut the cake etc. I guess she is now so used to the birthday song so much so that each time we sing the song baby Kiele starts shaking her head, hands and leg. The moment we stop singing the song she is quiet. She responds to the song very well. We have also started teaching her to clap her hands when we sing ‘Clap hands’ song. This shows that she likes songs and hence responds to it nicely.
Friday, June 30, 2006
To mothers who just gave birth to beautiful babies
To mothers who just gave birth to beautiful babies
For their lovely babies to get sufficient feed, here is a receipe that mothers should eat whether they like it or not. I use to have and still have it sometimes and it really helps at the same time it is very yummy… I use to enjoy eating it – Shingada powder – To a cup of milk add one table spoon of the powder ... sugar according to taste and boil it for sometime. If you wish to have it thicker add more powder. Believe me it’s the best.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Kiele can sit upright
Kiele is 9 months now and she can sit upright on her own. What she loves doing now is - she loves to stand. She tries to hold the chair and makes an attempt to stand. We do not distract her and let her do what she feels like but we keep a close watch on her
We now keep her on the floor and she happily plays with all her toys on the floor. She loves to play with papers or we just fill a bag with all her toys or small items and then she is kept busy by removing all the things from the bag. In this way we too are free coz she is busy in emptying the bag. Nobody should call her or distract her once she hears our voice or if anyone says hello to her there is she with her hands wide open to lift her.
She holds our hands and tries to walk too - just beginning to. She is growing bigger but food intake is becoming lesser. At times in fact not at time but at all times I have to think what should be given to her to eat. She loves something only for a day or two then she is tired of eating it.
She loves to eat ice-cream. Ice-cream she can eat even if she is sleeping she will wake up. We do give her little of it – am afraid she may catch a cold.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Kiele at the pub
For our wedding anniversary we had all planned that we would go to the pub. So as usual we were late so my friends proceeded to the pub and had a seat and was enjoying the music and the ambience. We reached the place but was not permitted in since I had my baby. The security did not allow us to take Kiele upstairs because of the noise pollution and the smoke. I willingly agreed and went up and called my friends too.
In a way it is really nice that they are very much concerned about the child but at the same time we were little disappointed for some time since we could not enjoy ourselves at the pub.
But as the saying goes whatever happens – happens for the best. We took a cab and drove down to a restaurant with real good ambience, coolness etc… My Kiele enjoyed herself while we were all dining and chatting. She was very comfortable sitting on her chair and playing with the spoon and eating the noodles which was fed to her.
We all had a great evening at the restaurant thanks to the security for not letting us in coz I then realized that Kiele would not at all be comfortable in that place coz of the blasting music and the environment out there.
In a way it is really nice that they are very much concerned about the child but at the same time we were little disappointed for some time since we could not enjoy ourselves at the pub.
But as the saying goes whatever happens – happens for the best. We took a cab and drove down to a restaurant with real good ambience, coolness etc… My Kiele enjoyed herself while we were all dining and chatting. She was very comfortable sitting on her chair and playing with the spoon and eating the noodles which was fed to her.
We all had a great evening at the restaurant thanks to the security for not letting us in coz I then realized that Kiele would not at all be comfortable in that place coz of the blasting music and the environment out there.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Food Habits
As Kiele is growing bigger, she is becoming more fussy especially where food is concerned. She loses appetite immediately. As it is said variety is the spice of life. She needs different meal.
We had taken her to the doctor last week just for normal check up. He suggested that I give her what she eats no problem. Her milk intake also has decreased but I give it in some other form like cheese, butter with bread etc. She enjoys eating all this. Ice cream is one thing she loves eating at any time. I do give her little of it. Her juices are still on she has them with interest till now. Things she doesn’t like to eat is rice, dal, kichdi… which we all know is very important. My doc too said that try and feed her but she just refuses to eat it. Tried preparing in different ways by adding milk etc.. but not successful. Will definitely think as to how I can feed her rice dal by trying different ways and will keep you posted.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Kiele was passing motions frequently for the last 2 days. Motion was not watery hence I was not too much worried, but the thing was she has become very weak. Really didn’t know what to do. Tried home remedy which one of my neighbour suggested and yes it worked.
1 ½ teaspoon of arrowroot powder, ½ litre water, little cardamon powder and sugar. Boiled all the ingredients for some time, kept on stirring. Allowed the mixture to cool under room temparature – gave my baby to drink this water every 1 ½ hours. She felt better and the motions too were under control.
So this is the home remedy I tried when Kiele had motions 2 days back and it really worked wonders. Also gave her rice cunjee – Cunjee is also good when babies passes motions too many times.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Kiele’s practice / pattern of sleeping
Our baby Kiele’s practice of sleeping. When baby Kiele wakes up in the middle of her sleep – she cries for sometime puts her head up and looks around just to see if anyone is watching her or if anyone is in the room. The moment she sees somebody her volume of crying increases further in order that someone in the room will carry her. I have learnt by lifting or talking to her sleep is totally disturbed and then she becomes very cranky.
Now what I do is – the moments she lifts her head up to see around – we just stop moving or looking at her . She knows that nobody is around her – she may make some noise that lasts for less than a minute and then she is quite and sleeps again without any hassles.
The incident that happened while I was away at someone’s house over the weekend. As usual baby had a bath and she normally sleep for long hours in the afternoon provided nobody hellos her or lifts her when she wakes up in between. So as usual after sometime she woke up and as usual looked around with wide eyes open and started making sounds so a relative tried to talk to her and there she started making louder noise for which she had no choice but lift her. Then she needs to be pampered and carried the whole time for which we had to do. I explained it to everyone out there that in case anyone of you hear her cry or sounds while she is sleeping just leave her alone – and watch her slowly. She will be fine.
The same thing happened at nite when she went to sleep and we were all in the living room chit chatting. I explained to everyone just be quiet for sometime and not to actually move and stuff. She cried for less than a minute and fell off to sleep.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Kiele fell from the bed
Yesterday, Kiele had a fall from the bed. After her massage and bath, the massage lady wrapped her and placed her on the bed, mom had just gone to the balcony to attend to some urgent chores – then there was a loud boom – the massage lady rushed to the bedroom. There baby was lying on the floor and crying. She had a big lump on her head.
Mom immediately gave her few teaspoons of sugar water and applied lot of oil on her head to lessen the lump. This all happened in the afternoon. By evening the lump was very small. There was no pain either.
These things do happen with kids, so do not get hyper - just be calm. Yes, but one should be careful too don’t let the same thing happen over and over again. It is best to keep small babies either on the floor or in their cradle. My baby willingly sleeps in the cradle only at night. If your baby is kept on the bed see to it that there is someone with your baby to attend to her. At the age of 6 months they are quite capable of throwing away, pushing the pillows or climbing over them – so please don’t feel it keeping pillows by her side is safe – it isn’t – am speaking through experience.
Monday, April 24, 2006
It’s very important to understand your baby’s vibes. My Kiele doesn’t like to go to neighbouring houses – I really don’t understand why? Like if my neighbour in town comes to take her to their place the moment she steps in their house she will cry bitterly till one of us carry her. At the same time when this same neighbour comes and carries or play with her in our house, Kiele is very happy and excited and giggles and giggles to glory. At times I feel its good thing she is behaving now when she is small or else neighbours and friends would think that her parents are teaching her to behave in this manner.
Like yesterday we had gone to our suburban house – my neighbour out there is very fond of her so the moment we are there he will immediately come and carry her and he is so happy that we are there. As long as he carried her in our presence she was fine. He took her to his house and there she started crying and crying till she was brought to her house. There are certain places that Kiele is very uncomfortable and wants us to be there as well, she doesn’t get that positive vibes I guess and so her behaviour is different. So we have decided to go more often to the houses where Kiele doesn’t feel comfortable so that she sees us often talking and mixing around with our neighbours and she too gets attached to them and develop positive vibes.
It’s very important to understand your baby’s vibes. My Kiele doesn’t like to go to neighbouring houses – I really don’t understand why? Like if my neighbour in town comes to take her to their place the moment she steps in their house she will cry bitterly till one of us carry her. At the same time when this same neighbour comes and carries or play with her in our house, Kiele is very happy and excited and giggles and giggles to glory. At times I feel its good thing she is behaving now when she is small or else neighbours and friends would think that her parents are teaching her to behave in this manner.
Like yesterday we had gone to our suburban house – my neighbour out there is very fond of her so the moment we are there he will immediately come and carry her and he is so happy that we are there. As long as he carried her in our presence she was fine. He took her to his house and there she started crying and crying till she was brought to her house. There are certain places that Kiele is very uncomfortable and wants us to be there as well, she doesn’t get that positive vibes I guess and so her behaviour is different. So we have decided to go more often to the houses where Kiele doesn’t feel comfortable so that she sees us often talking and mixing around with our neighbours and she too gets attached to them and develop positive vibes.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Semolina / Soji porridge
Soji / semolina porridge Soji or semolina porridge is also a good feed for babies. We introduced soji porridge when Kiele was around three and a half to four months. I resumed work during that time and the doctor had suggested not to give tin stuff for baby. Try as much as possible to avoid tin food and give her only home made food. We do give her formula milk at least twice a day – during the day we give baby either soji / semolina porridge or nachni porridge as mentioned in my earlier posting. Soji porridge is simple and fast to cook and we carry it with us while traveling etc.. Method of preparing is very simple just add soji, milk, sugar and little water and keep it on fire – keep stirring till done to avoid formation of lumps. Baby as of now enjoys eating it – her taste / likes changes. She has this habit of leaving little in her bottle we do not force her coz I feel the child will eat as much as she needs to. We should not force babies to eat hence we don’t mind it going waste. My advice to you mums and would be mums – do give your baby at least one feed of soji / semolina porridge – its very good. Your baby will also enjoy this wonderful feed.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Methi Ladoo
This message is to all my friends who are pregnant and to would be mums.
After delivery you will have to take care of your health. Eat good food,
which is very important to keep your baby healthy as well as yourself.
Eat methi ladoos for good milk production. I had arranged to get them
made from some maharahtrian lady, it was very nice. The methi ladoos that
are available in the shop are too bitter and has absolutely no taste. My
hubby had bought them but I just couldn't eat it. My friend suggested that
we arrange to get them home made. One should not skip these ladoos.
I am giving below the ingredients involved - you may kindly arrange for
someone to make it.
Pure ghee / Cashew nuts / almonds / dink / kharik / jaggery / dried coconut
/ methi / til / khuskhus / charoli / kismish / wheat and oil. These are
the ingredients required to make the ladoos.
I used to eat them regularly in the morning without fail. Since I was told
by all my neighbours and friends the importance of these ladoos, hence
didn't skip any day without eating this nutritious methi ladoos.
Secondly nachni / ragi also is very good you may refer my below posting on
nachni / ragi
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Pampers are really good to help babies to get their good sleep at nite. I started using pampers for my baby right from the time she was brought home from the hospital i.e. the first nite at home. This not only helps the child to get good sleep but also helps us parents.
I know of parents complaining as to they need to wake up at nite to change cloth nappies and stuff. That wasn’t the case with me. So who ever tells me this I advice them to use pampers for their baby at least at nite. Babies naturally will feel uncomfortable when they are wet – hence why make them feel uncomfortable and also disturb their sleep. My advice is to use pampers. Sleep is very important. At times I really wonder what a great help this pampers are what would we have to go through without pampers for babies.
Before putting the pamper on my baby I put a lot of powder to prevent baby from getting pamper rash. Its not right to to keep the baby whole day with pamper – I suggest nite time and when traveling. When we were traveling out of town – babes pamper was on the whole day – we did change the pamper of course but yet. By evening her skin was really bad. At that point of time I thought I would just discontinue putting the pamper for her. I applied Vaseline and she was fine after a day or so. But it was our mistake for not keeping her open even for sometime.
My advice to you mums & wud-b-mums.. don’t think.. just make use of pampers for your lovely babies and let them enjoy their good sleep at nite and you as well.
Good luck!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Nachni / Ragi (Finger Millet) – best feed for babies
My babes is 6 months old, my mom has introduced to baby Ragi / Nachni porridge. In English it is called Finger Millet Porridge. Nachni is the best feed not only for babies but also for elders – this is my mom’s favourite and medicinal receipe. This has been going on for very long by my grand-ma as well and the receipe has now been passed on to us.
Mom gives baby Nachni / Ragi porridge in the afternoon. Nachni / Ragi is best if you powder it at home. What my mom does is – she buys the whole nachni / ragi and then washes it, spreads the nachni / ragi on a dry piece of cloth dries it in sunlight and finally powders and stores the ragi / nachni flour in air tight container. She prefers to follow this method rather that buying the ready made flour from the market.
Receipe of this wonderful porridge is : She prepares the porridge by adding one teaspoon of nachni / ragi powder, 1 cup milk and little water – depending on the consistency add jaggery for sweetening and just a pinch of salt. Then keep it on slow fire and keep stirring till done to avoid formation of lumps.
This is the best feed one can give their babies. So mums and would be mums – don’t forget to introduce this wonderful meal to your lovely babies.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Safety for baby
Yesterday we were all in a hurry to get ready to go to the church. So we just gave baby her bottle feed and left her on her own. She holds the bottle by herself so we gave it to her and all got busy with dressing and stuff. We usually never leave her unattended while she is having her feed.
After sometime my brother went to the room – what he saw was the bottle had up-turned and all the milk had spill over her neck, her body on the floor. There was milk all over her. Fortunately my brother went at the right time and to our good luck the milk had not gone inside her nose and stuff. To save little time by leaving her on her own and we dressing up it took us more time in bathing her. Hence my advice not to leave your baby unattended while she is having her feed.
Safety for babies is very important. In all other things I am very careful about babies safety as in trying and protecting her from germs etc. The moment she has her feed one should wash the bottle, just not wash but also sterlize the bottle. I fully submerge the bottles and teats in boiling water. In case baby has left her feed I do not keep it but just throw it away. Babies require different amounts at different times so just because I have made a full bottle of milk doesn’t mean that she has to finish it or give it to baby after an hour till she finishes it. That’s wrong .
My baby loves to play with plastic bags – she has the best of rattles etc. but she enjoys the sound of the plastic bag. When she plays with the plastic bag someone is with her to see to it that she doesn’t put the bag in her mouth or get suffocated Normally we always keep plastic bag out of her reach.
In short never leave your sweet baby unattended even for a while – it may be dangerous. Always be with her or leave your baby with someone reliable.
Baby talks
I strongly feel that babies understand everything, hence singing to your baby or talking to your baby doesn’t go waste. One doesn’t have to wait for a year or so to start with. I started with singing right from day one while nursing and even otherwise. In case baby doesn’t want to have her feed I just need to sing a favourite poem (Hickory Dickory Dock) and you can see the smile on her face.
My mom or anyone just has to say one, two and three, Kiele rightly knows what has to be done next she will push her head up which means now it is time for her to be carried. So all these words that we use regularly are registered. She is, therefore, aware that one two three means carrying time. All babies comprehend very well only thing words needs to be continual for them to master it.
When we talk she too babbles back in her language and then I repeat what she says in her similar tone and sound she uses. I suggest that whenever your baby talks or do some action – we too should respond back to them so that they too are aware that there is response from the other end and they get all the attention.
In my baby I noticed that whenever there is a conversation happening in the room. Kiele’s eyes rotate to who ever is talking so attentively as though she has understood everything and is ready to give her suggestion and advice.
Rica's mum
Baby movements
My daughter Kiele is very comfortable moving on her tummy, rolls from one end to the other but all this happens only when she is kept on the bed. The moment I keep her on the floor she just doesn’t move an inch. She can move only on the bed she just doesn’t make an attempt to move on the floor.
In fact my aunt and family use to tell me to keep her on the floor. Babies learn to crawl and walk better. I use to never keep her on the floor since she is too small she may just put anything in her mouth which may cause infection hence I thought it is safer to keep her on the bed. I think since I haven’t kept her earlier she just doesn’t want to go on the floor now. She is not used to moving on hard surface, hence her movements are restricted only on the bed
I will keep you all posted as and when she starts crawling full fledged on the floor. She can never stay at one place on the bed, her movements are continuous, hence now it is becoming even more tedious for my mom since she just cant leave her unattended even for some time coz you never know when she will crawl over the pillow. There is a fear that she might fall off the bed hence one has to be near her.
At this time its really fun being with your baby. Even the smallest and smallest of things she does like putting her toe in her mouth or raises her bum up its just so exciting and marvelous to see these movements. Her hands movements are tremendous if you really tired and need to sleep you will just not be able to if Kiele is at the side of you.
Another thing Kiele loves to do is to catch hold of the hair of the person who is carrying her or sleeping near her. She will just not leave it – at times I keep telling my mom that I think its high time we all need to wear shower caps and move around the house or else we will have no hair left on our head at the rate Kiele moves her hands and fingers.
My advice to would-be-mums and mums – this stage of baby doesn’t come back so I feel one should observe all these movements of your baby and spend time with your baby. I understand due to lack of time and in this busy busy world we have very little time to spend with our children, but believe me the moment I reach home from work, the only thing I do is to be with my baby and watch her movements and laugh. I feel there is no other thing that is more important.
Baby food
My baby is now 6 months old… as far as the food is concerned we cannot force her or push things in her mouth coz she will push it back out by her tongue. Her doc has suggested that we give her rice and dal (kichdi), juice and soup but she just refuses to eat kichdi. She is very fussy where food is concerned.
Even though she is hungry – she will cry and cry but will not eat what she doesn’t want to. My mom has a tough time in stopping her from crying. Before she goes to bed at night I see to it that she has her feed well.
Advice to mums – and would be mums before your baby retires at nite – give her a proper feed so that she will have a sound sleep and not cry during the nite. You too will not have to worry about waking during the night.
I use to do this right from the beginning – before she could go to sleep would give her a feeding bottle so that I know how much food she has taken in and then she would wake up in the morning at around 5.00 for her next feed.
This is why I did not have much problems keeping up nights. In fact everybody use to tell me that I need to be ready to keep up nights and stuff.. knowing how important sleep is for me..but that just wasn’t the case.
so mums and would be mums there are ways where u dont have to keep up nites just well feed your baby before retiring at nite and then just see the wonder.
rica's mum
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Some weeks back – Kiele had a severe cold – she had lost her appetite totally. She just wouldn’t take in any food. We were all very upset and just couldn’t think as to what had to be done for this sudden loss of appetite.
Her monthly check up was due hence we took baby to her doc - everything was fine. I told the doc about baby’s loss of appetite – the doc said no problem she will eat as and when she feels hungry and prescribed some cold medicine.
Two days passed yet baby wasn’t taking much food and she had become very weak. She would not cry but just lie on the bed. That worried us even more. We then started with home remedies which my neighbours and friends suggested. Best home remedy for cold is ajwain. We took some ajwain and roasted it on a hot tawa. Put the roasted ajwain on a piece of cloth and tied it in a small cloth bundle. We placed the warm ajwain bundle on baby’s back, baby’s palms, baby’s sole and kept the bundle near her pillow, while sleeping since she also had nasal congestion. She felt better. It was due to her cold that she had totally lost her appetite but regained it sooner. I must say Ajwain is the best home remedy for cold.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Thumb sucking
Thumb Sucking
This is to all the mothers who worry about their child with their thumb sucking problem. My baby too has this habit of thumb sucking – I use to be very tense coz in case baby does this all the time there is a possibility of her upper teeth jutting out. I had asked the doc too as to what can be done. My doc just said not to worry she will leave doing that on her own. We use to put mittens on – and what would baby do was pull out the mittens. That plan too failed. We also bought her a pacifier – that too didn’t work – baby would just push it out.
As time passed – she has reduced this habit of thumb sucking not 100% but say about 80% Now she needs it only when she is about to sleep Once she has fallen asleep we slowly remove her thumb out.
My advice to u mothers is not to worry or just pull the thumb out of your sweet baby’s mouth. Just talk to her saying that this is bad and she will understand it. Keep showing her thumb and remove it slowly saying it is bad. I’m sure your baby will be out of this thumb sucking problem. Just have a little patience and make the child understand by talking - action about this bad habit of thumb sucking. See to it that your baby is well fed. Give her all the attention and discourage this thumb sucking habit. Keep your baby busy with toys etc. respond to your baby’s crying and soothe her. Give ur baby a feeling that she is safe with you and cuddle her. Keep some toys in front of her so that she is engaged in doing something. Most important your baby will be successfully out of this thumb sucking problem with your love, caring and encouragement.
colic baby
Last month my baby was crying and crying due to colic - we really didn’t know what was happening – but we guessed it must be colic . I was on my way to my friend’s place. My mom was all alone with her – she tried all sorts of things but she could probably do little to assuage it. She called me on my cell . I immediately took a turn to return back home I could hear her scream over the phone. I immediately called her god-ma since she was in town to rush home, she too said its just colic. We had never experienced such a thing before – she was 4 1/2 months old then. I heard of relatives and friends talking to me about colic baby – but that was the day I experienced how it was like.. I called her doc – he told me to give her prescribed drops and she would be fine (S.O.S.) even after giving her few drops of the prescribed medicine her cry / pain was not subsiding . Mom tried home remedies like giving her little warm water to drink – she put some oil on her tummy and massaged – my baby felt fine and got good sleep. This is when I really experienced what does a colic baby has to go through and what should be done for colic baby.
Rica's mum
Monday, April 10, 2006
Baby Names
While I was pregnant – I use to always think / surf for baby names – but I had one thing in mind that if it’s a baby then surely her first name would begin with the alphabet ‘K’ so I surfed the net for baby names beginning with ‘K’and her second name would be my grandma’s name.
My grandma’s name is quite a big name and what we wanted was a short name so we named our baby Kiele Rica – Kiele which means fragrant blossom, I got my baby name from the baby names site and Rica is derived from the word Ricardinha (my grandma’s name) which means ‘rule the house’.
So my advice to you would-be-mums, baby names site is very useful coz you not only get good names but also the meaning and origin.
Good luck..
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Welcome to my first baby girl blog

Hello all you moms and would be moms... Its great being a mom isn't it. But there are always little problems taking care of little baby girls. Luckily for me I had my family and thier experience to help me with this. I hope that I can share these with you as time goes on. I'll post in home remedies, experiences, advise and everything I can think up here.
Feel free to comment and write to me, I'd like to hear about your experiences and share stories. Other mums with blogs, drop me a link - would love to read them....
Rica's Mum.
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